War Is My Business
War Is My Business

Hello Everyone, thank you for checking out the support page of War Is My Business. It takes time and funds to conduct the research, but in the end the prospect of helping bridge the civil-military divide, I feel, is a worthwhile endeavor. Former Army Chief of Staff, General Mark Milley stated:
"I believe, Mark Milley believes, the burden’s on us — the guys in uniform — to make sure that we really reach out beyond just what’s on the news and TV... That we reach out to communities and we let the people know who we are and what we do and what we’re about."
War Is My Business is my attempt to support that cause. The best way to support it is to follow the content, and like and share that content with others you believe would enjoy and derive value from it. Sharing with the world that the military sphere of our society, indeed all societies, are simply an extension of the civilian world in which they support. That the veneer in the ways and means of our profession don't significantly differentiate us from other professions, and that fundamentally we all endeavor in similar ways: we seek to influence other humans, and shape our environments, for our benefit.
That being said, if you would be interested in how you can help out War Is My Business in a financial way, then we have options. Right now, the War Is My Business property is an Amazon Associate, meaning that when we link to various books, audiobooks, and offers that Amazon provides, then we receive a referral fee. We will study and we will write about things that we feel will help civilian business development, and in turn, refer you to those sources that help us in our research. If we discuss a particular book we will often provide a link to the Amazon storefront page for that book. If it interests you, and you purchase it, then War Is My Business is provided a small percentage as a referral bonus. But you must use the link, as it informs Amazon that WIMB referred you...
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